Understanding What Happens to Eggs and Sperm in the Lab

Published in May 2024
Compiled by Team ISAR 2023-2024

1. Getting Eggs and Sperm Ready:

Before starting IVF, you may take some medicines to help your body produce eggs or to help collect sperm. This helps make sure we have what we need for the next steps

2. Egg Collection:

When it's time to collect eggs, you'll come to the clinic for a simple procedure. We use a small needle to gently take the eggs from your ovaries. this procedure call ovum pick up. Don't worry; this procedure performs under anaesthesia

3. Sperm Collection:

For sperm collection, you may provide a sample through ejaculation. If needed, we have other ways to collect sperm too.

4. Making the Magic Happen:

In the lab, once we received gametes (oocytes and Sperms) we decide which procedure have to perform for sperm preparation to get good healthy sperm. also, to decide IVF (In vitro fertilisation) or ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic sperm injection) which is the one procedure have to do to get good result.

if IVF = we do insemination of process good sperms around oocytes .and keep for fertilisation

if ICSI =we see maturity of eggs and select one good sperm and we injecting in to the mature oocytes. One sperm one oocyte. The both procedure magic (fertilisation) will happens next day.

5. Watching the Embryos Grow:

After fertilization, we carefully watch the embryos grow. It's like watching little seeds turn into plants! We keep them safe and cozy in a special place in the lab that’s call incubator.

6. Putting the Embryo Inside:

When the time is right, we gently put one or more embryos back into your uterus. It's a quick and painless procedure, like a tiny seed being planted in your garden.

7. Freezing Extra Embryos (Optional):

If there are extra embryos, we can freeze them for later. This way, you can try again without going through the whole process again.

8. Checking for Pregnancy:

About two weeks after the embryo transfer, we'll do a simple test to see if you're pregnant. We'll be here to support you every step of the way.

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