TESE what and for whom »

Published in May 2024
Compiled by Team ISAR 2023-2024

Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) is a surgical procedure used to retrieve sperm directly from the testicles of men who have obstructive azoospermia, which means they produce sperm but it does not mix with their semen due to a blockage. During TESE, a small piece of testicular tissue is removed through a surgical procedure, and sperm is extracted from this tissue for use in assisted reproductive techniques like IVFor ICSI. TESE can also be very useful in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). There are several genetic, infection-related and hormonal conditions that lead to very low levels of sperm production that can be uncovered through surgery.

Which patients used TESE?

Non-Obstructive Azoospermia (NOA) patients who’s suffering male infertility which can be resolved by retrieval of testicular sperm to be used for ICSI. For such cases, a TESE (testicular sperm extraction) procedure should be performed to see if a viable sperm can be found in the testis.

How is the procedure carried out?

The testis is cut to obtain a tissue sample. It is a short-term procedure and generally does not require hospitalization after the procedure. Patients are treated as an outpatient. TESE are methods that sperms are directly retrieved from the testicular germinal epithelium. The procedures are performed on the outpatient basis in a short general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia and requires an incision on the scrotum to gain access to the testicles.

Does TESE have alternative sperm retrieval techniques?

Sperm can be found normally in the testicles unless there is a problem with sperm production because of problems you are born with or due to later problems in life that affect the semen.

What are the advantages of TESE procedure?

  • No microsurgical expertise is required,
  • No operating microscope is required,
  • Fast and repeatable.

What are the disadvantages of TESE procedure?

  • Relatively low success rate in non obstructive azoospermia (NOA),
  • Relatively few sperm is retrieved in non obstructive azoospermia (NOA),
  • Risk of testicular atrophy (with multiple biopsies).
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